Training Attended 2022
Gary R. Adler, Director of Statewide Emergency Mgmt Response/Denver SAR, attended and completed the annual NWS/SKYWARN recertification class. The program was administered by NOAA's Meteorologist Scott Entrekin and held at the Douglas County Sheriff's Office Highlands Ranch Substation on Tuesday, March 17, 2022. The certification renews membership with SKYWARN, NOAA's organization whose volunteers help keep their local communities safe by providing timely and accurate reports of severe weather to the National Weather Service.
A trained Crowd Manager is a position that is explicitly required in NFPA 1 and referenced in many state and local fire codes for Assembly Occupancies over 50 people. A trained Crowd Manager must know a variety of things, but their primary purpose is to assist a crowd to more effectively and safely evacuate or move away from harm’s way during an emergency. Large sports venues with the enormous crowds in a relatively confined space are always a management challenge, and having trained, prepared staff ready to assist has become a necessity.
• Understand lessons learned from emergency case studies
• Understand the movement scenarios of crowds and the crowd manager’s role
• Understand the crowd manager role in an active shooter scenario
• Understand the crowd manager role in fire safety, gas leak, flood, power outage, crowd surge and other scenarios
• Understand the checklist of key Items to be reviewed in a crowd event
• Understand the components of the acronym ESCAPE – Exits, Storage, Capacity, Aisles, Protection, Emergency
Following the formal Crowd Manager class, we will feature a dynamic scenario driven panel discussion covering potential events that they may or likely will encounter involving crowd manager roles, requirements, tactics, techniques and procedures.

Attended a 3-hour Zoom session with the United States Secret Service on January 12, 2022.
Training Attended 2021
Statewide Emergency Management Response/Denver Search & Rescue attended "Synchronizing Information for Disaster Response Logistics" - Part 1 (Strategy). Monday, July 12, 2021
How states and industry sync information to reduce disaster response delays, improve logistics, and increase safety through the SISE-net initiative that connects emergency operations centers in industry and government during disasters. In this session, learning included the strategy behind the private sector's Fleet Movement App that was tested during the 2020 hurricane season by the AHC and the private sector-led SISE (Sensitive Information Sharing Environment) to expedite the movement of private sector repair fleets, resources, and supply chains across multiple state borders following disasters.
"Synchronizing Information for Disaster Response Logistics"- Part 2 (Operational). Wednesday, July 14, 2021
How new technology is helping industry enhance their route planning, coordinating with states, and broaden situational awareness to streamline logistics, improve safety and multi-state coordinate. In this session how the Fleet Movement app is used operationally and its impacts on situational awareness for industry and state and local government was taught. The Fleet Movement app is used to expedite the movement of private sector repair fleets, resources, and supply chains across multiple state borders following disasters.
Route planning Includes -
• How new technology and aggregated, more reliable data is helping industry enhance their route planning, coordination with states, and broaden situational awareness to streamline logistics and improve safety.
• How disaster operations and logistics for industry and states are streamlined through the use of better-organized information for the 2021 hurricane season.
• Providing fleet managers, drivers, and stakeholders with unprecedented holistic route planning capabilities through vetted partnerships and real-time data set integrations.
• The FleetMove App's premiere technology allows for smarter decisions in even the most complicated situations while enabling proactive situational awareness during times of crisis.
Synchronizing Information for Disaster Response Logistics - Part 3 (Technical). Friday, July 15, 2021
Providing fleet managers, drivers, and stakeholders with unprecedented holistic route planning capabilities through vetted partnerships and real-time data set integrations.
In this session, we learned how the Fleet Movement app works and we watched a demo to understand its capabilities, the data it contains (and what data in can have in the future), and its integration and support of related technical efforts supporting the FEMA lifelines and the DHS CISA national critical functions.
Denver Search & Rescue / Statewide Emergency Management Response attended the following on May 5, 2021:

Dedicated to America’s small business, this program will move the conversation beyond ransomware threats and provide specific guidance and resources for what small businesses can do to protect themselves better. Our goal for this program is that attendees leave the one-hour webinar with a sense of where they can find voluntary, free resources - including CISA’s Ransomware Guide - to protect their businesses from ransomware. This is about turning strategy into business action plans for risk mitigation and incident response.
Secretary Mayorkas discussed why ransomware is one of his top priorities and the focus for his first sprint, why ransomware is a national security priority, and why it is an issue for small businesses. According to a recent survey, 60% of small businesses do not believe that they will be a ransomware victim. This statistic should be concerning, since ransomware can pose an existential threat to small businesses.
The second part of the program focused on business resilience and included a panel of experts from CISA, the U.S. Secret Service and industry. The panel discussed what market and industry risk-transfer resources are available to businesses.
Denver Search & Rescue / Statewide Emergency Management Response attended the following on April 27, 2021:

Denver Search & Rescue / Statewide Emergency Management Response attended and completed our annual SKYWARN recert presented by the National Weather Service, Boulder, CO and taught by Meteorologist Scott Entrekin in a virtual online class, April 20, 2021.

We are pleased to invite Statewide Emergency Management Response to NTAC’s upcoming presentation of our latest report, which examines averted acts of targeted school violence.
March 30, 2021
12:00 pm – 3:30 pm ET
12:00 pm – 12:15 pm
Welcoming Remarks
12:15 pm – 12:55 pm
An Overview of U.S. Secret Service Research on School Violence, National Threat Assessment Center
12:55 pm – 1:55 pm
Averting Targeted School Violence: A U.S. Secret Service Analysis of Plots Against Schools, National Threat Assessment Center
1:55 pm – 2:25 pm
Averting Targeted School Violence – A Case Study, National Threat Assessment Center
2:30 pm – 2:50 pm
The Averted School Violence (ASV) Project, Director Dr. Frank Straub, National Police Foundation, Center for Mass Violence Response Studies
2:50 pm – 3:10 pm
The Role of the School Resource Officer (SRO), Executive Director Mo Canady, National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO)
3:10 pm – 3:30 pm
How Recognizing Red Flags Averted a School Shooting, Molly Hudgens, Congressional Medal of Honor Citizen Honors Recipient

The above class on Mitigating Chemical/Explosives and Biological Threats was presented by the United States Secret Service and the FBI.

Statewide Emergency Management Response was invited by The All Hazards Consortium (AHC) to participate in the 2021 National ResilienceEXCH (Exchange) Virtual Summit on January 26-28, 2021.
Over the course of three half-days, we along with several hundred participants learned, networked, and collaborated with private sector critical infrastructure partners, state emergency managers, DHS/CISA, DHS/FEMA, trade associations, academia, industry, and research groups.
STRATEGIES - Day 1 focused on resilience issues in industry and government and strategies to address them.
INITIATIVES - Day 2 will focused on resilience initiatives and projects
TRAINING - Day 3 will focused on training and education for resilience-related solutions, innovations, and research.
Fighting Hate From Home: The Clear and Present Danger of Mainstreaming Extremism Confirmation

Jan 8, 2021 10:00 AM Mountain Time
Attended an urgent conversation about the unrest roiling our capital and the mainstreaming of extremism that has fueled this crisis to our democracy.
This week, the world watched in horror as insurrectionists violently forced entry into the Capitol in Washington D.C. to intimidate legislators, and also rallied in cities across the country. This webinar brought together experts to explore how extremism is being stoked and is spilling from the fringes into the streets.
Heard insights from ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, and then joined a discussion with Oren Segal, VP of ADL’s Center on Extremism, and a panel including U.S. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie G. Thompson and other subject matter experts. Each provided perspective on how media, social media, and our political climate are intersecting with extremist ideologies, and what can be done to disrupt the threat of extremism going forward.
Training Attended 2020
Denver Search & Rescue / Statewide Emergency Management Response attended the Anti Defamation League's "Never Is Now" 2020 Online Summit. The ADL Summit is the world’s largest event on antisemitism, hate and bigotry. Never Is Now is the best way to learn about and discuss contemporary drivers of antisemitism and hate and how to replace misinformation with facts.
Excellent program!

Emergency Preparedness in the Era of COVID-19
Thursday, October 8, 2020 presented by the Denver Office of Emergency Management
Gary R. Adler, Director, Denver Search & Rescue / Statewide Emergency Management Response participated in the online Zoom class. This class provided participants with reliable sources of information and guidance on what individuals can do to appropriately respond to COVID-19 based on the latest guidance from Public Health. It also covered some general personal preparedness actions that will help create resiliency in any type of emergency.

Gary R. Adler, Director, Denver Search & Rescue / Statewide Emergency Management Response participated in the 101 and 201 Federal Chemical Safety Regulations Webinars held on October 7, 2020 and November 18, 2020. Representatives from EPA, OSHA, and DHS/CISA described their respective programs, explain reporting requirements, and clarify chemical safety responsibilities of Industry. They also discussed the importance of coordination and cooperation between regulated industry and local emergency planners/public response agencies.
Programs that were be covered included: EPA: EPCRA, RMP, SPCC, OPA (FRP/GIUEs); OSHA: PSM, GHS, HAZWOPER; DHS/CISA: CFATS.

Denver Search & Rescue / Statewide Emergency Management Response attended, sucessfully completed and received certification in "Raliroad Emergency Response Hazmat Awareness Training" presented by BNSF Railway Hazmat (Burlington Northern Santa Fe), June 4, 2020. As a member of Transportation Community Awareness and Emergency Response (TransCAER®), BNSF offers this webinar from a rail industry perspective to ensure community emergency responders receive a better understanding of the hazardous materials regulations that apply to the railroad industry.

Denver Search & Rescue / Statewide Emergency Management Response attended and completed our annual SKYWARN recert presented by the National Weather Service, Boulder, CO and taught by Meteorologist Scott Entrekin in a virtual online class, June 3, 2020.

Denver Search & Rescue / Statewide Emergency Management Response was invited to and attended a conference on Thursday, February 13, 2020 presented by CELL, Denver Post and University at Denver. The event was entitled “Confronting Hate and Violent Extremism in the U.S. It was hosted by Jason R. Dunn, United States Attorney for the District of Colorado Larry A. Mazel, founder, Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab (CELL), and Dr. Jeremy Hafner, chancellor, University of Denver. The event took place at the Gates Concert Hall, University of Denver.
The panelists included the following numbers: Jason R. Dunn, United States Attorney for the District of Colorado; Elizabeth Neumann, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Threat Prevention and Security Policy; Christian Piccolini, Author of Breaking Hate, Founder of Free Radicals Project; George Selim, Senior Vice President of Programs, Anti-Defamation League; David P. Cohen, Shareholder, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck.
Several high ranking members of the FBI, Homeland Security, police, sheriff, and government officials were in attendance.
Excellent program!

Training Attended 2019

Beaver Run Resort Breckenridge, Colorado
Hosted by: Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
September 4th – 6th, 2019
What: The Colorado Emergency Planning Committee (CEPC) is hosting this 2 ½ day conference for Local EmergencyPlanning Committee(LEPC) members, first responders, and local, state and federal partners who are responsible for hazardous material transportation response planning. LEPC101, designed for new LEPC members, and LEPC201 designed to focus on advanced topics and avoiding legal liabilities.
Thursday and Friday will focus on hazmat transportation specific topics.
When:Wednesday, September 4th1:00 - 4:30 p.m. LEPC101 / LEPC201
4:30 - 5:30 p.m. CEMA Business Meeting
Thursday, September 5th 8:30 - 5:00 p.m.Full Day
Friday, September 6th8:00 - 12:00 p.m.Half Day
Where:Conference & Lodging – Beaver Run Resort, Breckenridge, CO
Address: 620 Village Rd, Breckenridge, CO 80424
Annual SKYWARN Re-Cert

Photo by Blind Images©2019
Attended our annual recert of SKYWARN class with the National Weather Service at the Adams County Sheriffs Office in Commerce City Saturday, April 20, 2019. Thanks Scott Entrekin / NWS Boulder, for the new updated presentation.
April 20, 2019
Photos by Blind Images©2019
Twenty years ago, April 20, 1999, at about 11:30hrs, I was in Mayor Webb's office at the City & County Building working on a photography assignment when the call came in notifying the mayor of the ongoing events at Columbine High School. I was made aware of the situation, and left for home where I changed into my emergency responder gear. I responded to the scene with my SAR Dog Jake to offer our emergency response services. Jake and I had walked the perimeter of the building after the shooting had ceased and bear witness to the horrors of the violence that occurred. I was assigned to be the resource coordinator working in coordination with the Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services and both Jefferson and Arapahoe County Sheriff Offices. I worked the position for about three weeks at the scene.
Memories of that day and the weeks following are still fresh in my mind.
My heart goes out to the families and friends of those who were lost, and to those students and faculty who survived. --Gary R. Adler, Director SEMR/DSAR
Breakfast at the Academy
Director Gary R. Adler represented Statewide Emergency Management Response/Denver Search & Rescue at the Colorado State Patrol Academy. Enjoyed pancake breakfast with Colorado’s finest, Colorado State Patrol, Saturday morning, September 22, 2018 in Golden, CO.
Was awesome to meet with our great friend Major Jeff Goodwin.
He recently was promoted from Captain, and he told Gary he didn’t mind that Gary still calls him Captain. It’s an adjustment in the works.

Photos by Blind Images©2018
Statewide Emergency Management Response has been accepted as a NOAA Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador.
The Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador initiative is an effort to formally recognize NOAA partners who are improving the nation’s readiness against extreme weather, water, and climate events. As a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador, your organization is committing to work with NOAA and other Ambassadors to strengthen national resilience against extreme weather.
The Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™ initiative is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) effort to formally recognize NOAA partners who are improving the nation’s readiness, responsiveness, and overall resilience against extreme weather, water, and climate events. As a WRN Ambassador, partners commit to working with NOAA and other Ambassadors to strengthen national resilience against extreme weather. In effect, the WRN Ambassador initiative helps unify the efforts across government, non-profits, academia, and private industry toward making the nation more ready, responsive, and resilient against extreme environmental hazards. Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) is a strategic outcome where society’s response should be equal to the risk from all extreme weather, water, and climate hazards.
The WRN Ambassador initiative is a:
- Unifying effort;
- Action-oriented;
- Inclusive; and
- Force multiplier (i.e., new partnerships lead to even more partnership opportunities).
WRN Ambassadors serve a pivotal role in affecting societal change — helping to build a nation that is ready, responsive, and resilient to the impacts of extreme weather and water events.
To be officially recognized as a WRN Ambassador, an organization must commit to:
- Promoting Weather-Ready Nation messages and themes to their stakeholders;
- Engaging with NOAA personnel on potential collaboration opportunities;
- Sharing their success stories of preparedness and resiliency;
- Serving as an example by educating employees on workplace preparedness
As a WRN Ambassador, you will serve as a change agent and leader in your community. You will inspire others to be better informed and prepared, helping to minimize or even avoid the impacts of these natural disasters.
To support your efforts, NOAA can:
- Provide outreach content about creating a Weather-Ready Nation;
- Explore innovative approaches for collaboration with your organization;
- Assist with StormReady®/TsunamiReady™ opportunities for communities;
- Recognize your organization as a WRN Ambassador; and
- Share the WRN Ambassador logo for your use.
Building a Weather-Ready Nation requires more than government alone. It requires the entire Weather Enterprise to provide information for better community, business, and personal decision making, and innovative partnerships across all segments of society. We must involve everyone in an effort to move people – and society – toward heeding warnings, taking action, and influencing their circles of family, friends, and social network to act appropriately.
The WRN Ambassador initiative is the connecting hub of a vast network of federal, state, and local government agencies; emergency managers and city planners; researchers, the media; the insurance industry; nonprofit organizations; the private sector; and many others who are working together to address the impacts of extreme weather on daily life.
Together we will inform and empower communities, businesses, and people to make pre-event decisions that can be life-saving and prevent or limit devastating economic losses. We are a nation of many communities, and it is only through connected communities that we will achieve this goal.